
James celebrated his golden birthday a couple Sundays ago. 30 on the 30th. I told him this is the coolest one he'll ever have. It's all downhill from here. There are so many components to this surprise, I'll try pare it down. (Yeah, right.) Sunday, we ate the traditional bunny cake. Unfortunately,...

The snow lasted something like a hundred days this winter. I've always said if it's gonna be cold, let there be snow, but shew, the length of this winter really tested that statement! We love walking through the quiet lanes in the cemetery a few blocks down. Even in...

I've vowed to clean under the couch for several months now. Corban gets very concerned for his lost items and is convinced they all escape to this dusty region of our house. Apparently, he was right. It took my Bible falling down there for me to...

Once at home, starting with the Christmas story. Bought this nativity from an Etsy seller ($20, painted and stained?!). Love it specifically because it's a bit abstract which allows for plenty of imagination and the kids can't break it! Win-win:) We gave the kids three gifts each...

Nourishment beyond our needs. Family who loves your kids as much as you do. Arranging...

This was my dad's favorite verse growing up. He wielded it prominently during vicious kid fights and loving wrestling matches alike. I saw it on the door when we were home for Thanksgiving and prayed it for our own kids. They aren't always unified, but here are a few...

Lots of towns are doing "First Fridays" these days. Ours is no exception. It's actually more fun than ya'd think--vendors, in-town business specials, events like dances and flame-throwers and hayrides, and other stuff perfect for a family evening. I love to play, don't get me wrong, but boy,...

A couple months ago now, James and I took a retreat to reprioritize our family. "Good things become bad things when they crowd out the best things," am I right? We prayed and spent time in the Word and in conversation with each other and...

Corban scooters on the sidewalk in front of our house, with his neighborhood buddies, in several nice neighbors' driveways, and basically all over the neighborhood! He's learned to push, to glide, to veer, and to brake (none of which are technical scootering terms, mind you)....