LaRoy Family Reunion: 2013 Edition

LaRoy Family Reunion: 2013 Edition

Every year, James’ extended family gathers together to go back to their roots, remember their family…and eat yummy food. It’s getting more fun as more of the younger cousins (such as us) have kids. This year, we decided to go a day early to spend time with his mom and grandma. Geography fun fact: James’ mom grew up FIFTEEN MINUTES down the road from my house. Went to the same high school as my dad. WHAT?! So James’ family vacationed here, visiting his grandparents. We visited the same zoo, went to the same go-cart/mini golf place, and who knows what else. All’s I gotsta say is good thing we didn’t meet then. Very few couples can make it through those awful middle school years. Yep, we met in college, where we had worked out all our personality quirks and bugs. Riiiiight.

Back to the reunion.

Playing at Grandma’s house (Great-Grandma, for our kids) is always a highlight. Her toys are original…and ancient, and all kids who play there love her toys. Grandpa passed away a few years ago, and while we miss him dearly (and so wish he could have met our littles; he would have loved them), his handiwork carries on his love for resourceful fun in his stead. You’ll see a rocking horse and self-push bike below…both made from trash-pile scraps, both in perfect working order. And don’t get James started on the stilts. That man would live on stilts (or pogo sticks) if he could. He’s actually crossed the extension ladder off his Christmas list and replaced it with…stilts. Yep, we’ll be those neighbors (although I have no context for men using stilts to clean their gutters, so I’m not entirely sure what all those neighbors do).

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The reunion itself was fun. Catching up with old family (for me, remembering all those names I didn’t grow up with!), seeing resemblances of cousins in their sweet babies’ faces, playing, playing, and more playing. Made the two-hour drive home ohso pleasant, since the kiddos slept the majority of the time!

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Family reunions are great, and I’m so glad ours is so close. We love you, LaRoys!

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