Here and there and everywhere.

Here and there and everywhere.

I’ve vowed to clean under the couch for several months now. Corban gets very concerned for his lost items and is convinced they all escape to this dusty region of our house. Apparently, he was right. It took my Bible falling down there for me to make good on my word, but boy, did we ever hit the jackpot. Our lost Advent calendar. A gazillion blocks. A music stick. An I Spy book. Part of a broken harmonica. Half a tomato (thank goodness it was wooden). And even our dear missing Mary. We had a wise man step in to be Jesus’ mommy for several weeks. “Hey, Jesus?” Corban would whisper. “We can’t find your mommy right now. But here’s your pretend mommy. He’s a wise man, but don’t worry–it’s just pretend. We’ll find your regular mommy very soon.” Really hoping we can redeem the original Christmas story for next year. (The guy that made that whole nativity set for us said he’d mail us an extra set, so no more sacrilege occurs.)20140103_200401

We love when my family comes to visit (we only wish they could come more!). Something about loads of people around the table is so comforting to me, reminds of my childhood, exudes love and community and familiarity. Mmm. So happy together….

One of the best parts of snow storms is snow days for my teacher friends, particularly teacher neighbors who have working pianos and tea and a living room set up with giant handmade dominoes, because then we can just walk over and enjoy time and play and chatting together.20140106_112953

Jaeda is hilarious in the way she plays…because it’s just so different from the brother! She always has animals or babies, rocking, swaying, changing diapers, kissing, hugging. We haven’t forced it on her. She just does it.20140108_085029

We also don’t force babies on Corban, but now that Jaeda’s got some, he wants in! 20140111_131711

These girls are my favorite to watch play. Staring out the window, sitting,
hugging, giggling, coloring, eating. They’re precious. And I’m thankful.20140114_095032 20140114_102708

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