Author: The Redheads

This styling is because he has sisters. This is why James is thankful for our boy friends. Writing his name everywhere in everything. (Okay, I totally helped with this.) Proof that he still naps! (1-2x per week.)...

On Jaeda's birthday, the zoo threw a party for their members. Jaeda was certain it was for her. James took off work, a few family members drove down, and we made a wonderful day of it! Aunt Hoopie still has a broken foot, but all the...

ONCE A MONTH For the Grands Once a month, I pose the kiddos Once a month, they smile long Once a month, I take a picture Once a month, they hold up strong Once a month, we write a letter Once a month, they say their thoughts Once a month, they sign their names...

Last week, we had the rain storm to top all rain storms. At least 20 minutes of downpour. Liddi and Jaeda were still sleeping when the rain started. Corban and I ran out to the porch in awe of the sheer power of the torrent. Neighbor...

One day, there was a mom who didn't know where they were going. This didn't seem to bother the son, since he had been given a rare car snack. And the daughter tended to not worry about anything anyway. And the baby just wanted milk in her belly at all times, no matter...

Last month, Liddi started moving in her sleep. I definitely laid her horizontally this night. She smiles and smiles and smiles. She's been smiling more for me than anyone else (hmm I wonder why). So much so that when we hear her waking up, Corban and Jaeda fly up the stairs ahead of...

There once was a little girl named Jaeda who loved to swing from grown-up arms. One day, she jumped too hard and got a bad owie. Of course, they were visiting family in Michigan. Her mom and grammie took her to urgent care. They were too nervous with Jaeda's owie. So...

James made us a "hipster badge" on the reverse of the scary tiki man boogie board. I wanted something with our name and year, and he took it from there! I absolutely love what he did! He created a stencil, cut it out, and spray...

Having Mother's Day close to your birthday (ohmyword am I talking about my birthday again?!) is the best. A week's worth of celebrations or extra sweet nothings (like drinking juice for breakfast mmm). This Mother's Day, we felt like celebrating with another family, a mom whose...

This little girl with the round face (that's only getting rounder) is a nursing and sleeping champ. She's not, however, a very good awake champ. It's been over a week of general waketime fussiness. I'm thinking a growth spurt? So much eating. So much sleeping. (So much fussing.) But in her happy awake moments (which...