Growth & Development Tag

Some babies are walking by a year. Some babies are walking by 9 months (just ask my college roomie!). This baby hasn't taken his first no-help step yet. But he certainly is moving in the right direction: ...

Over-confidence has its downfalls. Don't let his happy little face fool you; he was screaming....

Even though I've cut his hair multiple times, I've only ever cut from the top. The ears have remained untouched, because, quite frankly, I'm afraid I'm going to cut him...

...crawling ...standing (and watching and listening to the trucks and trains go by) ...still playing piano (daily) (and dancing his little heart out) ...and taking big-boy baths We're having so much fun!...

The Corbster is feeding himself finger food now. It's hilarious to watch him try to maneuver things into his mouth. But he's definitely getting better at it. ...

Yes, you read that right. Corban is pulling himself up to a standing position now. !! Always looking for toys. Chew toys, that is. He absolutely loves standing by himself! (And no, he hasn't stopped drooling yet!) Yes, I consider books to be toys, too. Hey, I love books! He...

Corban grows and changes every. single. day. I know, I know, every mom says that, but oh my goodness, I had no idea how true it was until we had our own! Whoa. I just turned around to check on him, and he wasn't where I had...

Exciting news: we started Corban on solids last week! Okay, so it's only once a day, but still, he's not a newborn anymore. We've decided to try our my hand at making his food ourselves myself. It's not that difficult, but really we're just hoping it's more cost...