18 May Baby Food of the Mushy Sort
Exciting news: we started Corban on solids last week!
Okay, so it’s only once a day, but still, he’s not a newborn anymore.
We’ve decided to try our my hand at making his food ourselves myself.
It’s not that difficult, but really we’re just hoping it’s more cost effective. We’ll see!
He love, love, loves the food.
As soon as he sees me getting the spoon out now, he starts his
going-to-pass-out-any-second-if-I-don’t-get-some-food-RIGHT-NOW” tirade.
I’ve heard that you can freeze homemade baby food in
ice cube trays, but we got those Baby Cubes for free.
Alisha Miller
Posted at 14:19h, 10 JuneI want to talk to you about this!!! I’d love to do this.
The Redheads
Posted at 14:29h, 10 JuneIt’s actually something I’ve been wrestling with lately. We qualify to get free canned baby food, BUT when I gave him some to try, I felt…bad, I guess–like I wasn’t giving him what I know is best (he, on the other hand, didn’t seem to care one way or another). Anyways, we’re not getting the free food anymore (are we crazy??), and I’m feeling so much better. It’s really quite an easy process. You guys’ll be ready for it in just a couple months! (Can you believe it’ll be that soon??) :)
Felicia DeCook
Posted at 10:36h, 19 MayI love his “helpful” little right hand…