James Tag

Janelle and I have this thing where we like to take our husbands on really super amazing double dates. Well, what better time to do that than when I'm on maternity leave and she's on Christmas Break? Here's how it went down: The Game: The boys didn't...

The 30th was the 4th time we celebrated our wedding anniversary, but the 1st time with a child! We left Corban with John & Janelle Ditmer and enjoyed some time together before heading off to dinner at a local restaurant that we've never been to--Cerulean. I...

I realize James is usually our post-er, but I like to jump in every once in a while. Here's what he did this weekend: While it was definitely a long process putting it together (basically, it took SaturDAY), it was worth it--it's becoming so real! I've...

I have had the privilege of working on a freelance project this month. This company is creating a catalog that has nearly 3,000 images in it. I was assigned to outline and retouch about 200 of those 3,000. Below is an example of what has...

Conditions were perfect for a race today. Hardly any wind, cool and on the verge of warm, but not hot. For this race, you could choose to run the 5k race or the 10k race. I choose to run the 10k since I missed the...

Just incredible. An unbelievable amount of complex choreography seems to be at work here to pull this video off. How in the world...

Congrats to Jeffery and Anna. The wedding is only a few weeks away! This wedding ensemble was designed for my sister-in-law Anna and future brother-in-law Jeffery. Inspiration for the design came from the flower and the transparent sequins on the brides maids dresses. The paper...

I had the pleasure of designing wedding invitations for Tim and Courtney (my brother-in-law and future sister-in-law) and Anna and Jeffery (my sister-in-law and future brother-in-law). Congrats to both couples! For Tim and Courtney's invites, I dug deep to find my fine-art side — a side...

So Friday, January 29th 2005 I said those romantic words, "Would you like to be considered a couple?" (I thought it was sooth at the time) to who is now my wife. Friday marked FIVE years of being a couple! To mark this memorable day...