“Mr. Glass, can I play soccer?”

“Mr. Glass, can I play soccer?”

I was working with 6th grader Erik from Mexico. Doesn’t speak a lick of English. I sat with him and his buddies this morning at breakfast, just to get a feel for how he’s doing. He mentioned then that he didn’t realize soccer tryouts were yesterday and how bummed he was (he played on several teams in Mexico). Roberto was going to take him to Mr. Glass’s room this morning to ask if he could still tryout. However, Mr. Glass wasn’t there. Erik still wanted to ask, but he couldn’t go by himself because of the language barrier. So I was asking him this afternoon how the conversation went, and when he told me he couldn’t ask, I asked if he’d still like to. *big nod YES* While we were in the hall waiting for Mr. G.’s class, I got the idea that he should ask himself. So for the next 15 minutes (and yes, it took that long), we practiced, “Mr. Glass, can I play soccer?” And guess what? He stuttered it out, Mr. Glass said si, and he hasn’t stopped beaming since (and neither have I)! Will let you know if Erik made it when we find out on Friday…

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