24 Jun May 2016
James made me himself
my birthday cake
and hid ’round the house
mint candies to take
Jaeda’s gals love to dance with a man
my business cards came
as pinkĀ as we planned
then I found this shirt
to match my cards
and sold our most ever
(tho the wind blew so hard)
we forgotĀ the kids’ cots
but it didn’t matter
liddi loves pears
(and how much they splatter)
some folks make fun
of my small melon bites
James stayed in this hotel
(he has no fear of heights)
our Jaeda girl loves
to gather yard flowers
tilts her head to be precious
(forever she’s ours)
Corban still loves
every t-ball game
as does Liddi girl
their flowers aren’t lame
they both pick me flowers
both straight ones and tilted
(but by the time we get home
they’re so far past wilted)
James and I got away
for our once-a-month date
biked down a big hill
then sat down to wait
and that was most of May
from the pics on my phone
lots of outdoors
and plenty to roam
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