How the big kids play.

How the big kids play.

Corban takes great joy in organizing his jail and placing his naughty stuffed animal in the middle of the chaos. Sometimes, he calls this school or MOMs group as well. I’m not entirely sure of the correlation of all three locations to this jumble of chairs and baskets, but it aaaall makes sense to him and Jaeda. The only bothersome part of this play is putting it aaaall away.


We were recently contacted by a college friend in California. Her friend’s kids were trying to pass along a Traveling Olaf and wondered if anyone in Indiana would take him. Would we ever?! He came with a whole package of items various families have added throughout his travels in the continental US. California, Washington, Iowa, Indiana, Ohio, and Michigan were all represented. He’s apparently been traveling since December! (There were more, but my memory is failing me.) We contributed to the journal about some of our Olaf Adventures–a library visit being at the top of the list–and did a little photo shoot with some of his included accessories. Then we sent him on to our friends who’ve recently moved to Wisconsin. Whoever gets this guy and his goodies back at the end is gonna have loads of fun reading about his many adventures…in places they’ve most likely never even been! (Logistics note: There’s an address included on a little description card that says what generally to do and by what date to return it to its owner.)DSC_0196 DSC_0204

Corban and Jaeda have finally started watching full length films. It’s pretty fun for me, as I not-so-secretly love animated movies. Several months ago, we watched (and loved!) Cinderella as the very first one. But since we keep our TV in the basement and the basement’s been out of commission for the last year, we very rarely will bring it up. So they’ve been relegated to whatever kid shows we can find on iPad apps (PBS Kids is a favorite, as well as Amazon Prime–hello, Little Bear!). These first several weeks of Liddi’s life (and still bitter cold), they had more screen time than I’m proud of. But when I was nursing for an hour each time…eight times per day (!), watching shows sure helped pass time! Thankfully, she’s more efficient now and the weather is amazing, so our screen time is decreasing to a healthier amount. But. I do love watching them watch shows/movies. Especially ones that they’ve seen before where they’ll talk to the characters to warn/encourage/command them. And yes, sometimes Jaeda misses my lap enough that she’ll sit on Corban’s.IMG_0212

Occasionally, I’ll change up the scenery and nurse Liddi upstairs. We don’t play up here every day, so it becomes a special treat. They’ll bring their animals and babies and favorite books and blankies and read read read.IMG_0221

We had the privilege of Uncle Jon visiting over his college spring break. James and I enjoyed good (adult?!) conversation (with my kid baby brother WHAT?!), and the kids enjoyed wrestling him to the ground.IMG_0242

Corban really wanted to wear Olaf when he was here, since I wear Liddi every time we go out. I found a scarf long enough to wrap around him, and he proudly was Olaf’s (very helpful, attentive, doting) father for the day. So far he hasn’t tried nursing him from his belly button (like he did when Jaeda was born); I’ll take baby wearing any day.IMG_0261

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