Some thankfulness, babies, and house work.

Some thankfulness, babies, and house work.

We had a big storm here a couple weeks ago.


It was a beautiful Christmas wonderland!


Sadly, it was March.


But that crisp white is breath-taking (and not just ’cause it’s cold!).


This’ll sound silly to you more experienced homemakers, but I’ve been afraid to cook a whole chicken for…well, ever. I finally got over my fear and did it in the crockpot. And then I realized it was easy and delicious and whatintheworldwasiafraidof?? Then I read about covering the bones and skin with water and cooking it for 8-24 hours to make your own broth. When I filtered the broth into these mason jars, it actually took my breath away. That I could use the bones, the trash, of this meat and still make something useful out of it. And then it reminded me of how God can use what I consider the bones/trash of this world, of my life, and still make something useful to His kingdom. And then I took a picture.

And then I did the dishes.
With a full garbage disposal.
That I tried to run while the dishwasher was going.
Which apparently is a bad idea, because my sinks filled up and up and up…and then over
and I was running bowls and bowls of water out in the yard and getting soaked and all the while
Pregnant Becca was laughing with delight at my misery. I’ll remember this, Neighbor. ;)DSC_6451

I guess this has been HomeEc month at the Steele residence, because I made all our bread for a month. It was such a cool experience. To take such random, useless-by-themselves items and make something edible and useful and delicious. Okay, so I’m making it sound like I actually did something when really my Christmas-gift bread machine did all the work while I just listened in delight and then took a picture and tried to take the credit for it. Since it’s an inanimate object, it’ll never know the difference…


Jaeda had some magnet fun, although this picture is more to show morning-after-bath hair. Hee.

We’ve I’ve been stressing about paint colors for the main floor. Our dining room is next, which will have one orange wall (!), and three walls in whatever creamish beigeish color we choose. But since our cabinets will be painted white soon (I know it’s trendy, but I really think it’ll brighten up our tiny kitchen!), that other color also needs to go with bright white. DSC_6466

Our newest little baby friend came to visit (although she’s not the newest
any longer. whatisinthewater??). Those adorable little piggies were a good foot
from the ground, which reminded me of how short Corban was,
which made my heart happy and nostalgic, which forced me to get the camera out.

In the spirit of sun and spring, we rearranged the living room. This room
is huge (and our favorite!), and this new arrangement really accentuates
that fact! I think it helps to have it centered around the windows now…


Next blog post, Lord willing, will have a freshly-painted dining room, kitchen, and basement???
I don’t know. Even for the over-achieving Hutchens in me, that sounds like a lot. And for poor
James, it’s overload. Must.slow.down. I did take a decorating fast. It was just one day, but it
was good and refreshing and necessary. But now, time to get to work!


  • A whole chicken is nothing to be afraid of.
    Posted at 15:07h, 29 January Reply

    […] And then I tried it. […]

  • Zach "Earboxer" DeCook
    Posted at 17:55h, 20 March Reply

    Is your homemade bread usable for sandwiches? Whenever I make bread, it always turns out impossible to slice.

    • theredheads
      Posted at 20:30h, 20 March Reply

      Hey Zach (wondered who the earboxer was, ha!), it is indeed usable for sandwiches. The secret? Let the bread machine make the dough; then place it in a regular bread load pan. Makes the right size and density. Don’t know why those bread machine pans are the shape they are! Also. Wait til it’s cooled to slice it. Sooo…when are you making some more? :)

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