Jaeda {wise & insightful} Jane {God’s grace}

Jaeda {wise & insightful} Jane {God’s grace}

Isn’t she lovely?

Isn’t she wonderful?

Isn’t she precious?

She’s just now two months old.

And 4 1/2 pounds heavier (75th %ile for weight).
And 3 1/2 inches longer (95th %ile for height).

Little Jaeda Jane is starting to smile, which makes up for…oh wait. She has nothing to make up for! She’s sleeping through the night. The only time she cries is when she’s wet or hungry. And she tolerates her brother’s affectionate squeezes and pokes and snotty-nosed kisses. Nope. We thought Corban was a pretty easy baby, but we didn’t know it could get easier! While we totally would have loved her through sleepless nights, etc., I am so thankful to God that for this very transitional state our lives have just been through, she has been an easy baby.

Also. Can I just praise God for one more thing right now?

I begged Him to let us move while I was still pregnant. Babies are so much easier to care for in utero than out. I mean, no stopping to nurse, no diaper changes, no rocking baby to sleep.

But He didn’t see fit to fulfill that request.

And you know what?

I’m glad.

Because when I was at the end of that pregnancy, I was pretty much useless. I was the baby! Since we moved when she was about 6 weeks old, she was still just eating and sleeping, which made her easy to care for, and I was fully recovered and so much more energetic.

Thank you, Lord, for knowing our needs even better than we know them ourselves!

  • Lydia Hutchens
    Posted at 12:04h, 02 October Reply

    His Name is Wonderful!

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