Moon Sand

Moon Sand

Corban and I have some really great friends. It’s so refreshing to all hang out together, our mini body of toiling, believing mothers and kids. Just today we were discussing methods of discipline–those we respect, those who point us in other directions by their poor results. Even amidst all the opinions, there were plenty of pauses as we contemplated how we are guiding our children, how we are representing God to them. Girls, I need you to know how very, very thankful I am to God for you!

It’s also just nice to know that my kid isn’t the only one
who hits or throws tantrums or doesn’t listen.

But today, our real excuse reason to get together was moon sand.
Who knew a lot of flour and a little baby oil could be so fun??

We made a catastrophic mess. A FUN catastrophic mess.

Mackenzie was definitely the most into it.

She poured and scooped and stirred.

Corban and Drew (and all the kids!) gave almost an hour
of their attention to the moon sand.

You can form it, and yet it still crumbles. On the verge of pie-crust-ish, says Amy.

Sophie was cheerfully involved with all the toys…yes, even the cup.

 The slide got some flour love as well.

And so begins the middle school quality self portraits.

Corban sensed that Jaeda was feeling left out.
Problem solved.

We had a blast, to be sure, albeit a messy one. So wonderful to have these days, moms and kids, jeans and diapers.
Although my timing was not impeccable in that we had a daddy lunch date…out…right afterwards. People didn’t care so much about me and Corban; theywere more concerned about why there was flour on that pretty little baby?!

P.S. My apologies to our favorite Owie for not including you in the pictures. You were running around far too quickly for this old lady!

  • Lydia Hutchens
    Posted at 14:00h, 23 August Reply


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