Sewing: Success at Last

Sewing: Success at Last

James can’t stand using our store-bought wipes. And for good reason. They’re pretty awful. I’ve been promising to use my leftover baby blanket fabric to make new wipes for about, oh, two months or so. It’s just that me and sewing aren’t always on speaking terms. But today I decided to just do it. Aaand this is how it went.

See all those awful extra threads? Every couple inches or so it would lock up and I would stop and yank it out (and scream) and just shake my head. All I’m trying to do is sew in a square! Why does this always happen to me? I asked. That’s why I bought a new machine! *light bulb* This always happens to me. Or I happen to them–to whatever sewing machine I’m using. Ah, so we have an issue with the user, not so much the machine.

So I consulted with my manual on issues such as tension and touch.

And wallah!

Now we have softer, nicer cloth wipes!

James is happier; Corban’s little tushy is happier; and I’m a bit sadder realizing that I didn’t need to throw away my old machine and buy a new one.

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  • Corban’s little tushy is happier
    Posted at 12:16h, 09 June Reply

    Corban’s little tushy is happier

  • Angie
    Posted at 06:29h, 09 June Reply

    Good job Sarah! Don’t be too sad; in terms of learning technology (albeit ancient sewing tech), learning late is better than never!

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