Three-generational learning

Three-generational learning


What a unique opportunity I had this evening. I tutor Zaira two times a week; we just started this week. On Tuesday, we spent much of our time studying outside, as it was so beautiful. Mom kept coming out, asking us if we wanted to come inside, if we needed a drink, etc. I declined on all accounts; I love being outside!

Today, the rain prevented us from our out-of-doors studies, so we meandered inside. Mom again asked if we wanted to sit in the living room, but Zaira preferred her bedroom. Lightning in my brain. Connections being made. I asked Mom if she wanted to listen while Zaira was reading. She nodded. Listen?? As we began, I had anything but listeners. Mom started shouting out answers before Zaira could (although Zaira is much farther ahead than Mom!). Even Abuela got into it. The best part of the night, though, was when Zaira, Mom, and Grandma all read the same story (see below). Mom looked at me in great anticipation, waiting for my approving look that she had done it right. And she had! Three generations, all learning English. Now that’s something to get excited about!

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