Surfs Up!

Surfs Up!

Yep, I (James) did it! I surfed for the first time successfully (second time trying). Who would have thought that Winona Lake was capable of creating totally tubular waves for surfing. Actually, I wouldn’t even call them waves—it is just the wake of the boat. Inland Surfing is similar to wake boarding, but not really. You are much closer to the boat and are standing on a small surf board rather than strapped onto the board. The goal is to catch the wake of the boat, not just be pulled behind it with a rope. It was a daunting task but I conquered the wave…uh, wake.

However, while Chris was conquering said wake, the boat slowly came to a stop…we ran out of gas! Stranded. Chris, grabs hold of the back of the boat and starts pushing us in. Seriously, I have no idea how the pushing thing worked in the water, but by the Grace of God we got to a stranger’s dock where they ran and got a gas tank. It is a good thing that worked out because the prior yelling and trying to wave down strangers was not successful.

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  • Ruby and Avery Plank plus Asa Plank make 3.
    Posted at 18:21h, 26 February Reply

    Well… It was valentin’s day and i so wanted a kitten and i got one.. almost named him Corban… I got on had fun commenting…

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