28 Oct My youngest is older than 1!
September 11th came, and while it will always be remembered as a day that changed America, it’s also a day that changed our family–Crusoe Conrad Steele was born! This year we went to Owens (woo) and got a free balloon for all the kids (is it ALL our birthdays?!). Then we came home to open the wonderful box from Grandma and Grandpa Steele (and also the presents inside it) and eat these most amazing muffins.
Didn’t take him long;)
This kid is pretty awesome.
And I’m not just talking about his hair.
He also throws killer tantrums.
Food choices, empty bottles, siblings getting too close.
First ride in the ice cream truck at Walmart.
Compliments of a big kid’s $$.
He’s basically running behind this thing.
I think he’ll walk in October!
This is the blurb I put on the back cover of his baby book (it’s being printed even as we speak!), a tribute to his name and what we hope for him.
You have been a surprise and delight.
One who has given us moments of joy
when we were least expecting them. Also
trouble. You completed our biological family.
We pray that you will be a real CRUSOE in love
for adventure, resourcefulness, resilience, and
humility unto God and your fellow man. We pray
that you will be generous and full of time like your
Papa Hutchens. And we pray that you will be a CONRAD,
loving the Lord and the doctrines of our faith like
your Grandpa Steele, being bold in a faith that becomes
your own, and in heeding and giving wise counsel.
This is your name; walk in it!
(And this is his baby book, digital form, if you care to flip through. It took me less than a week to make. As always, I recommend Blurb!)
Posted at 20:04h, 14 NovemberSweet boy <3