Found Around

Found Around

This post begins a humorous collection of things “Found Around” our house. Things that strike me as funny or odd or maddening or perfect. Here are a couple to get us started!

While playing upstairs, Miss A sneaked off to a quiet corner for some book time.
She was so engrossed in her reading, she didn’t even hear me calling for her!

Losing my Bible was the last straw; we finally moved the couch.
(This was several months ago.)
Check out all the things we found hidden underneath!20140103_200401

I had a freak-out moment when this live, deadly lizard
turned out to be a benign plastic alligator in my cupboard!DSC_0910

My favorite Found Around item was this piece of chocolate. Actually, it was multiple
pieces found throughout many cupboards from a sweet friend after a hard day.DSC_0995

How does an empty water pitcher get back in the refrigerator, you ask?
Let me tell you I haven’t the foggiest.

When I went to open our blinds one morning last week,
a little polar bear announced his protest.DSC_1251

Ever since the Art Gala, we’ve been using up our 20+ pounds of playdough Sometimes even adult neighbors join in on the fun and
leave real works of art to be discovered (and just as quickly squished). DSC_1253

And that’s the first installment of Found Around.
All these things are gifts, gifts that remind me I’m not alone,
that others live and work and play here,
that others love me and I them,
that I {ahem} need to clean under my couch more often.
I’m sure there will be more to come!

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