

It breaks my heart when Corban screams. It’s like he’s in some kind of pain. And as his mother, I want to comfort him, to console him, to make him better.


Sometimes when I hold him even tighter and rock him even smoother, he just screams louder! One of these times, we were getting ready to leave the house for a little bit. I had to get dressed, so I finally just placed him on our bed.


He settled right down. What?

So I tried it again yesterday. Every time he scream-cried at me, I laid him down. And every single time, he quieted down and just started looking around. Like this time:

Look at the redness around his sad little eyes.

Yes, the pacifier did help, to be sure, but check out this one:

Just chillin'. And yes, he is wearing his shoes from Aunt Mary.

I took the above pic just seconds after, and he had already spit it out. It seems he just wanted to be left alone.

It has come to my attention that we have an introvert living in our house! What do you do with an introvert?! (exclaims the extrovert)

Well, glad to have learned something about my son. Even if it’s just a coincidence, I’ve learned something!

  • Ruby and Avery Plank plus Asa Plank make 3.
    Posted at 10:11h, 26 February Reply

    Thats so cute. yep! passeriers do help!