February 2016

February 2016

James took Jaeda
(or did Jaeda take James)
to a Daddy-Daughter Dance.
She’d been planning on it
for OVER a year.
Pearl necklace and all.

Our Liddi Bitty turned one.
And is all just a blur of movement.
I’m lucky to have any pics of her!DSC_1705

(Corban is constantly touching, hugging, kissing
his baby sister. He loves her so much. She…tolerates him.)DSC_1692

Birthday package from Grandma Steele!
(Or is it just something to climb on?)IMG_1702

We said goodbye to our brother from another mother.
And his mother. Thankfully, they moved near my family,
so while we can’t see each other weekly, we CAN see each other!DSC_1716

Jen captured this photo of me and Liddi…
during life group prayer time. Hey, ya do
whatcha gotta do to keep the baby happy!IMG_1706

James and I don’t often do coffee dates these days.
Not sure why; just have been doing other things.
So we decide our monthly date needs to include
coffee in February. And then I realized why all
people take pictures of their coffee. Beautiful #sipsipIMG_1720

The Botanical Gardens offered a dino dig this month.
We used it as our family date. Walking around bones,
digging for fossils (real shark teeth that we got to keep!),
putting together a life-sized puzzle. Seriously fun!IMG_1723 IMG_1724 IMG_1725

Neighbor James held a bowling party as a celebration
for a great first year of his real estate business. #shameless plugIMG_1734

The kids were so proud of their bowling.IMG_1737 IMG_1739

(Liddi and I stayed home–Sundays
are long days when you’re a baby!)IMG_1742

And the Mrs. and Boy Bausch.IMG_1743

This girl loves to SNUGGLE with her blankie.IMG_1867

And I leave you with this.
A meal fit for a…
dad…who is willing to eat
all the leftovers in the fridge.

And that. Was February.
Maybe I’ll share March…by Christmas?

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