The Lego Tunnel

The Lego Tunnel

My family dropped Jon off at Liberty University last weekend. *sniff sniff* I won’t tell you how many of his diapers I changed, haircuts I botched, or “Get-out-of-bed-NOW”s I screamed. But there he is, off finding his way (which is quite the chore, I understand, at that big school), doing something amazing with that big brain of his. Well, their route home conveniently included Fort Wayne, so we met them for dinner…and snatched a sister while we were there.

While I’m having better and better days, I will never refuse help! Abby was great with the kids (as usual) and made a zillion Duplo creations. Eventually (quickly?) they were all destroyed, but I think a few sessions of counseling will fix her up quite nicely.
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