28 Mar Fingerpainting
We’ve had lots of crying the past few days.
Those beautiful pearly whites bursting through gums are to blame.
So I decided we needed something fun, something new, something…messy.
Corban preferred to chew on Purple Lady.
Mr. F. had a blast squeezing the jellied paint.
He’s had lots of practice squeezing bananas…all over my floor. ;)
Mr. E. wasn’t too sure about the whole thing, but his painting turned out quite full!
Miss E. enjoyed mushing the colors into the paper.
At this particular moment, however, she was concerned that some paint
had fallen on the ground. How do we unteach indoor rules for the outdoors?? :)
Amy kept the babies’ papers from flying away in the wind.
Mr. V. was content to chew on his tray.
Remember what I said about having fun? Corban didn’t think fun
should include wet paint getting blown into his face.
So says my son who plasters yogurt all over his face.
Experimenting with these textures is so good developmentally for these kiddos.
And hopefully with time, they’ll overcome their texture woes and enjoy messy fun!
Puffy Paint{ing}
Posted at 19:08h, 15 August[…] Surprisingly, Corban was totally into getting messy. (Remember our last painting endeavor?) […]