The Halfway “Melonstone”

The Halfway “Melonstone”

20 weeks pregnantWe have met a new milestone in the pregnancy this week in more ways than one. The first way is that 20 weeks marks the halfway point! The second milestone is that we have entered the melon stage of the pregnancy. This week the baby is roughly as long as a small cantaloupe. At 6.5 inches long, our baby is growing like crazy! And with growth comes movement. The third milestone we have reached this week is that I was able to feel the baby kick! This was such an exciting moment for me because I was able to actually tangibly feel that there is a life growing and developing. Crazy. And fourth, we go in for our gender ultrasound tomorrow! But you won’t hear from us about it until this weekend or so. Sarah schemed up a plan to design a card for the doctor to write “boy/girl” on; we’ll reveal its contents on our babymoon this weekend. We can’t wait to share the news!

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