The Newest Edition of the Harlem Globetrotters

The Newest Edition of the Harlem Globetrotters

Yes, I guarded a girl backwards.

Friday, November 14th was the annual Leesburg vs. Harrison faculty basketball game. It’s in its third year, and I’ve (Sarah) been priviledged to participate every year. We use it as an opportunity to raise food for Combined Community Services (CCS). Each year it’s gotten bigger than the last. This year we had to move to the middle school because last year was standing room only. I think it has something to do with giving away Jonas Brothers apparel, Cheetah Girls backstage passes, and having pictures taken with real-live (and fully clothed) Colts cheerleaders. Anyways, we always have two quarters of serious ball (no, I’m not big enough to play with the big boys) and two quarters of fun ball. “Fun ball” means we don’t really play basketball. We played soccer and football, stood on people’s shoulders for slam dunks, guarded our own players, and even let the refs play! And James was the faithful fan and sat the entire three hours, watching his lovely baller of a wife. I’ve only included “fun ball” pictures to view–everyone already knows what serious ball looks like. Oh, and btw, 16,000lbs of food and $26,000 were raised to help CCS. WOW!

  • Evie Jones
    Posted at 19:56h, 07 December Reply

    Look at that flash of white called leg…;)
    Love you Sarah

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